Glass is an Important Part of Our Modern Lives

Glass Is an Important Part of Our Modern Lives

Shower Door Varieties

Kylie Howell

When it comes to glass doors, durability and style are some of their endearing features. Here is a preview of what to expect when you go shopping for shower doors.

Bypass Doors

Bypass doors are also known as sliding doors since they have two panels sliding past each other. The two panels are supported by a track fixed above the bathtub. Another track goes below the tub or shower.

Standalone showers use the sliding door since it is affordable and convenient. In a small bathroom, the sliding door is quite handy as it uses space economically. The bypass door is also preferred for its availability in different styles.

Framed/Frameless Doors

Framed glass doors have aluminum material around the glass. An alternative to aluminum is a bronze frame or even a gold touch. Wood is also used as a frame for the glass shower doors.

Frameless doors have clip holdings situated at the corners of the glass to hold the glass together. If you are after class, go for the frameless glass, as it is stylish and easy on the eye. Frameless shower doors clean easily and tend to make a small room look bigger.

Barrier/Barrier-Free Showers

If access to the shower is essential to you, then have a barrier-free shower door. It means that there is no bottom track separating your shower area from the rest of the bathroom. The shower space is set apart by a glass window.

Barriers, on the other hand, are advisable for purposes of containing water during shower time and reducing the probability of accidents due to water spills. Showers barriers help during cleaning so that dirt from the shower does not spread to the bathroom area. Barriers are also suitable for holding and securing the glass.

Frost vs. Etched Glass

Glass shower doors can be clear for those who prefer to see the room even while taking a shower. Glass can also be frosted or etched on the shower door. The etched glass allows you to pick from various designs and art to make your bathroom look more appealing and modern.

The frosted glass comes in a variety of designs and patterns. Indeed, frosted glass is also packaged in various colors, depending on the owner's preference. Although frosted glass is more expensive than ordinary glass, it affords you a tinge of class and aesthetics. 

In Conclusion

Glass shower doors can last for decades if well maintained. Go for a shower door that is unique to your needs instead of having to make severe changes to your bathroom. Given the many shower doors there are in the market, the chances are that you will find one that addresses your style. 


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Glass is an Important Part of Our Modern Lives

Glass is an important component of our everyday lives. We all drink from beverage glasses, look out of glass windows, and gaze into glass mirrors. However, few people understand how glass is made and know about all of the types of glass produced using today's modern technology. We created this blog to answer all of your questions about glass and provide advice on how to choose the right glass shower doors, the right windows for your home, and much more. We are not glass professionals, so our blog is different from glass industry blogs. We don't assume you know all of the complicated glass jargon that glass professionals know, so we aim to explain the information we post in simple terms that are easy for everyone to understand.
