Glass is an Important Part of Our Modern Lives

Glass Is an Important Part of Our Modern Lives

Six Things You Should Do To Keep Your New Truck Windshield In Good Shape

Kylie Howell

The condition of your truck windshield is important for assuring safety and comfort while you're driving. If you need to have the windshield glass replaced on your truck, there are a few things you should do afterward to keep your new truck windshield in the best possible shape.

The following are six things you should do to keep your new truck windshield in good shape. 

Keep any retention tape in place as long as recommended

Technicians often put retention tape in place after replacing a windshield. This retention tape ensures that the seal molding is held in the proper position until it dries completely. It's important that you don't remove this retention tape before the recommended time has elapsed.

Avoid closing doors too hard immediately after truck windshield replacement

Be gentle when closing your doors for the first few days after your truck windshield is replaced. Slamming your door can put stress on the windshield adhesive and weaken the seal that holds the windshield in place. 

Wait to wash your truck for some time after your new windshield is installed

Washing your truck immediately after your windshield is replaced is not a good idea. You should wait a few days before washing your truck again. It's especially important that you don't power wash your truck or go through an automatic car wash for a few days after your truck windshield replacement. 

Crack open a window while the adhesive is drying

It's pretty typical for windshield technicians to recommend that a truck owner leave a window cracked open slightly for some time after windshield replacement.

Cracking a window will ensure that air pressure does not put excessive stress on the new windshield. Cracking open a window balances air pressure between the exterior and interior of the truck to avoid the development of air leaks in the new windshield.  

Avoid driving over rough terrain or loose gravel

Driving over rough terrain caused by potholes or other uneven areas in the road is not good for a brand new truck windshield. It's also important to avoid driving over gravel that can get deflected up against a new windshield and cause cracks and chips. 

Get your windshield wipers replaced when needed

If your windshield wipers are old and worn out, they can cause scratches on your windshield. To keep your truck windshield from getting scratched, you need to periodically inspect your windshield wipers to make sure they are in good shape. You also need to get them replaced promptly when needed. 

For more information, contact a truck windshield replacement service today.


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Glass is an Important Part of Our Modern Lives

Glass is an important component of our everyday lives. We all drink from beverage glasses, look out of glass windows, and gaze into glass mirrors. However, few people understand how glass is made and know about all of the types of glass produced using today's modern technology. We created this blog to answer all of your questions about glass and provide advice on how to choose the right glass shower doors, the right windows for your home, and much more. We are not glass professionals, so our blog is different from glass industry blogs. We don't assume you know all of the complicated glass jargon that glass professionals know, so we aim to explain the information we post in simple terms that are easy for everyone to understand.
